Mubiki & Dew

Made using Procreate. Completed 22/06/2022

This illustration depicts a future scene in my book project, with Mubiki, a scorned prince, having a romantic meeting with wayward traveller Dew.⁣

When I designed Mubiki over a year ago as a non-binary, humble baker, I didn’t expect them to become such a big part of the story. Writing is magical in how it changes, develops, and stubbornly refuses to stay as one thing. A story is on a journey of discovery, just as we are, and in many ways, my development of Mubiki has mirrored my own over the past year.⁣

I’m not very good at talking about myself. I always shy away from doing so. But you will see glimpses of who I am and what I care about in my characters and writing. Throughout my life I never quite found the words to explain who I am. I was born male, but never quite felt it. For much of my adult life I viewed myself as a generless ghost, a soul disguised by skin not quite their own, unable to find the words to talk about it. Creating the world in which my stories are set was a way in which I could explore my feelings. I wanted to depict a world where people are free to express who they are and can love whom they wish. This picture of Mubiki and Dew is an example of this.⁣

It’s only been more recently that I’ve learnt what the term non-binary means. I’m grateful to have some beautiful friends who have helped me to understand that there is a whole world out there of people who feel the same way as me. It’s only recently that I’ve begun seeing myself in a way that I like. I’m still finding the confidence to show it, but I know I’ll get there. It might just be a small word, but it means so much more than that to so many people.⁣

I’ve always struggled to believe that we only exist as one thing. Outside of the body granted to us, we are a soul of unique thoughts and feelings, as free as the stars scattered across the night sky.⁣


Chay's Bakery


Band of Meos