
Here you will find information on my illustration and writing work.


Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

The Colours of the Sun is out now!

My third book, The Colours of the Sun, is out now. I’m incredibly proud of what I’ve written and feel that this is the book where I’ve found my voice as a fantasy writer. It covers a lot of things that are important to me while retaining a freewheeling sense of fun. I can’t wait to hear what people think of it.

If you’ve read it, please remember to rate and review at Goodreads or wherever you bought it from. It helps small authors like me a huge amount.

As well as Amazon, I’ve made an Etsy where people can buy nice paperback copies of these books (pictured above) as well as non-Kindle eBooks. The benefit of Etsy is that I can package nice little goodies to send with them. You can also buy them directly from me with payment through Paypal (use the e-mail address on my ‘About’ page).


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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

The Colours of the Sun is out 9th April!

The third book in my series is now complete and I’m aiming for a release in early April. More details to come as alongside this release I’m hoping to open my own store to sell them from, as well physically in person. It feels surreal to me that after a few years of solid work, it’s come together.

As with all my books, they are full of illustrations drawn by me. This one has 95 in total, with a handful being full page drawings. Please go to my books page for the full cover and a synopsis.

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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

February Updates

Hello! My big news for this month is that my third book, now titled The Colours of the Sun, is wrapping up now. I’m putting the final touches on the front cover and I will reveal a release date soon.

Alongside finishing the book, I’m designing stickers and badges, amongst other items. I intend to sell alongside my books, with a view to opening an online store of some kind and do more physical stalls. One of the designs you can see above.

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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

January Writing Updates

Happy new year! It’s been a few months since I updated this, so the start of 2024 seems a good time to.

The interior of book 3 is now complete, pending a typo check and some polishing. The next step is to design a cover. I don’t have a timeframe of when I expect everything to be complete, but I feel confident to have everything finished in the next few months. But it does mean I can get my illustration head back on, so expect some new work from me soon.

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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

October Writing Updates

It's been a few months! August and September had a lot going on with life things, but I’ve been squirrelling away with projects in the background. A new painting has been added to the gallery.

In terms of progress on book 3 - I’ve finished sketching out 85 illustrations for the book’s interior, which need inking next. I’m also partway through another draft, which I’m hoping will be the last big revision I do before it comes down to typo checks and polishing. I still have a cover to design, but I’m aiming to have everything complete by the end of the year, or early next year at a push. It’s almost been three years since I published the previous one, so fingers crossed that I can bring this project to a close soon and begin the next.

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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

July Writing Updates!

It's been a while since an update! My focus is mainly on my writing project at the moment. I always find it hard to switch between my visual art side of the brain and my writing one (you can almost hear the grinding of the cogs as I make the shift), so my art output will slow for a period.

Currently I'm working on hard on the second draft, using the helpful feedback given to me by my beta readers (with more to come). I'm half-way through, so will hopefully be done with that in the next few weeks. As it stands I'm on track for completing it towards the end of the year. Trying to fully edit a book on your own is a long process, particularly when you have many other pulls on your time and a full-time job. But I'm excited with how it's shaping up and can’t wait for people to read the next stage in Dew’s adventures.

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Nick Burgoyne Nick Burgoyne

New Site!

Thank you for visiting! This site is still a work in progress, but the important parts - my gallery and book pages - are viewable. Future changes I want to make include more information, an artist photo I don’t hate, and maybe a page dedicated to my book characters. Other possibilities include a shop for selling my books, as well as other merchandise. But I shall see!

In other updates. My third book is currently in the beta reading stage and I have had amazing feedback so far from the lovely people who are reading it. Soon I shall take all those comments and begin editing my draft to make it as great as it can be. I have no idea of a publication date so far. Once I've finished the text I shall illustrate it (those who have read my previous book know how many I will do, and this book is much, much longer than that one). Finishing by the end of 2023 feels too optimistic, but not impossible.

Otherwise, please check here and my social media pages for new artwork. Please see my about page for ways to contact and follow me!

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